Changing out an old, tired display for a fresh, new one creates appeal and generates repeat customers. And optimizing your square footage helps you control costs so greater sales opportunities can be developed. It becomes a win-win situation for both you and your customer.

Modernistic can help design a variety of displays:

  • Wall Displays
  • Overhead Displays – Ceiling Danglers
  • Floor Displays
  • Counter Displays
  • Shelf Displays
    • Heat Bent Clear Plastic Sign Holders
    • Sign Holders (shelf, countertop, wall)
  • Pallet Displays
  • Standees
  • Merchandising Bins
  • Merchandising Strips

Want to give your display an added wow? Modernistic can add motion, lights, video, and sound to permanent displays to get shoppers attention in store! Modernistic can handle prototypes to full production runs for national roll outs.

Modernistic’s in-house plastic fabrication creates innovative displays with impact and appeal. Not only is Modernistic the authority in printing your graphics, but we’re experts in bringing your fabrication needs to life. Modernistic has heat bending, routing and plastic bonding capabilities that make us a great one-stop shop.

Your 3D display can be shipped totally setup or as a kit that is compact for reduced cost in shipping and easily assembled in store. As an added service, we can manage set-up and installation in any retail location. We work seamlessly to translate your brand into a powerful retailer experience that delivers sales results.


How Can We Help?

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