Privacy Policy

Modernistic does not collect any personally identifiable information about you on this site unless you choose to provide such information voluntarily. Modernistic will adhere to the following privacy policy in such circumstance.

Information Collected Modernistic may collect personal information from you on this web site on a voluntary basis only. Personal information is any identifiable information concerning the personal or material circumstances of an identified or identifiable individual. An identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Personal Information shall include but is not limited to: identifying information such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, Social Security number, financial information and employment related information such as may be found on resumes, applications, background verification information, or in employment references.

How information is Collected Modernistic web pages do not use Internet Cookies. Modernistic collects anonymous site usage data for internal Modernistic use only. Any personal information provided via email, in the submission of a form or during the course of subsequent emails or business is considered voluntarily submitted.

How Information is used Personal Information gathered on this site is used only in the course of business between Modernistic, Inc and the individual or business providing personal information. If personal information is submitted via Modernistic’s Contact Us or Request for Quote web pages, information gathered will be used only for those stated purposes.

Personal information gathered on this site or during the course of business will not be shared with 3rd parties unless express consent is given.

Modernistic does not sell or rent personal information to 3rd parties or partners.

Information collected may be shared with future or current Modernistic entities or subsidiaries.

Security of Information Modernistic employs reasonable measures to ensure the security and safety of your personal information against loss, misuse and unauthorized access. Although Modernistic email access is protected, Modernistic cannot ensure the security of any information you send via email and you do so at your own risk.

Information submitted via any forms on this site is held in a secure database accessible only by Modernistic. This information will be held indefinitely unless otherwise requested to be purged. If you would like to have Modernistic purge this data, please contact Modernistic (see Contact Information below).

Links to 3rd Party Sites and Partners This site does contain links to other non-Modernistic web sites. Modernistic is not responsible for the privacy policies of these 3rd party web sites or organizations. This policy does not apply to these external web areas.

Contact Information If you would like to contact Modernistic regarding this policy, to report an issue regarding this policy, or any personal information that you have submitted to Modernistic, please contact:

Modernistic Information Technologies at (800) 641-4610 by email at: or mail to: Modernistic Information Technologies Privacy Policy 1987 Industrial Blvd S. Stillwater, MN 55082

Changes Any changes to this policy will be immediately posted to the Modernistic web sites. Modernistic reviews this policy on a yearly basis to ensure the integrity of this policy.

version .03152017