Posted on January 25th, 2020 by Rob Wales

Since 1938, MODERNISTIC has served our customer’s and the community at large by providing products and resources focused on delivering sustainable results and business practices. We believe this extends outside the company to serve the health and wellness of our environment and the community at large. We are committed to operating this company in a manner that is sustainable; and integrates environmental, health & safety (EHS) affairs into all of our operations. We do this by ‘living’ our company slogan, “A Better Way Every Day”; and by supporting the following SGP principles:

  • We pledge to be compliant with all applicable EHS and labor regulations. To acknowledge our role in continuous improvement, we will continue to implement programs and procedures that are consistent with these regulations and abide by the principles of healthy lives and eco friendly environments.
  • We will endeavor to lead by example within our industry and community as we seek opportunities, beyond regulatory compliance, to diminish the impact Modernistic has on the environment. With persistence and rigor we will demonstrate and document our ongoing efforts through system reviews conducted a minimum of twice per year; and by performing regular audits to ensure sustainable results.
  • Modernistic acknowledges our role in establishing goals and implementing procedures that clearly define our prevention activities as related to healthy lives, safety and the environment.
    • The health and safety of our employees shall, as always, will be a top priority.
    •  Our commitment to environmental stewardship will result in clean, safe and sustainable technologies and processes being routinely initiated and used in our organization.
    • As a part of our pollution prevention endeavors, we will research and initiate methods and practices that emphasize source reduction, reuse, and recycling.
    •  We will minimize our releases to the air by seeking ways to reduce our VOC emissions.
    •  We will reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated and will ensure the safe treatment and disposal of waste as part of our corporate priorities.
    •  Consistent with the values of the organization and employees, we shall be good stewards of scarce resources, such as water, energy and land.
  • We will communicate our position towards sustainability and our performance with our employees, vendors, customers and the community. We will influence our vendors and customers to assist us in acquiring our goals, while assisting them in improving their efforts in attaining sustainability.

James Schulte, Co-CEO                                                          January 2, 2020